Politecnico di Torino

Software Engineering Group


UNIK servers installation

Once you have downloaded unik-servers package, extract all files in a directory (that in the following we will call UNIK-HOME) and you will find these folders:

- NIPS contains all the code of servers and in folder 'bin' there are the scripts used to launch all the servers on windows platform. One of these (Start-Single Servers), is used to launch Startup_Single java application: it offers a GUI that allows you to choose which server to launch and it shows the outputs of all servers in a text console. Remember to change the environment variables in this file according to your configuration.

- PLATFORM folder will contain the folder starsip and orion: these are the suggested folder where to install Orion and StarSip servers, in order to avoid changing script files; remember to put also the configuration files of Starsip in the "PLATFORM" folder.

On Linux platforms, Start-Single Servers application has some problems with I/O, so you can use the  unik script to launch all the servers and check their outputs in different log files.

As can you notice looking at the script files, you have to put in the classpath the following jar files: 

the ORBacus libraries (OB.jar OBNaming.jar OBUtil.jar); 

the ORBacus security libraries (OBFSSL.jar OBFSSLIAIK.jar); 

the IAIK security libraries (iaik_ssl.jar  iaik_jce_full.jar)

the Orion J2EE server libraries (jndi.jar  ejb.jar  orion.jar  mail.jar activation.jar)

the XML libraries (xalan.jar  xerces.jar)

the StarSip libraries (common.jar parser.jar stateful.jar transport.jar  ss-config.jar)

the Sun's JSSE package, that you can download here  and the GNU's regular expression parser that you can find here (they are both needed by StarSip).

Of course, remember to put in the classpath the folder containing the UNIK servers' class files.

Start Single Servers application needs the file unik.cfg that contains the system properties'  list needed by each server: you can modify it in order to change their working directories according to your configuration.

Then configure the look at the following pages to finish the installation:

Configuration of  the Orion J2EE server.

Configuration of the Subscription (SUB) server.

Configuration of the GroUp Router (GURU) server.

Configuration of the Communication Handling (CH) server.

Author: Paolo Falcarin

Last update: 5 August 2002 18:00 CET